Building Better Mental Health

This involvement may occur not just during Mental Health Awareness Month, but throughout the calendar year. This is why it’s so important to raise awareness about mental health, and do all you can to assist patients and loved ones who are trying to deal with mental health conditions. The month of May is dedicated to mental health awareness, but you can become informed and help spread awareness year-round. The stigma towards mental illness often causes people to feel isolated, stereotyped, shameful, or discriminated against, all of which can hinder recovery. By talking openly and showing there is more to someone than their mental illness, people can see that no one has to be defined by that alone.

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Everyone is impacted by mental illness in some way, whether they personally struggle or they know someone who does. A 2015 study by the National Institute for Mental Health found that nearly 1 in 5 – 43.8 million – American adults suffer from a mental illness in any given year. Adolescents ages are also impacted by mental illness as 21.4% of them will experience a severe mental illness at some point in their life.

An important part of growing up is working out and accepting who you are. Some young people find it hard to make this transition to adulthood and may experiment with alcohol, drugs or other substances that can affect mental health. In addition to organizations, citizens themselves can become involved in the cause of mental health. They can fundraise, stage or participate in events, and work to raise awareness how to lower blood pressure within their own communities.

very good arguments about why mental health is important however the title suggests that the arguments will include how mental and physical health are interdependent. This site is mostly deceptive content marketing, and not surprisingly no professional organization, like the APA has come out with any ethical concerns at ll. The only mission here is to make money, not improve mental health, or the discussion about it. Their jobs is to preserve profitably, mislead the public and market their businesses. Generalised anxiety disorder can cause young people to become extremely worried.

Very young children or children starting or moving school may have separation anxiety. Teenagers often experience emotional turmoil as their minds and bodies develop.

  • With these issues becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s imperative that we move mental health to the forefront of conversation topics and have transparent discussions about how we are truly feeling.
  • More so, half of mental health conditions begin by age 14, and 75 percent of mental health conditions develop by age 24 .
  • Please call to schedule an appointment with any of our providers today.
  • If you feel you or a loved one could benefit from being evaluated for a possible mental illness, AxessPointe Community Health Centers, Inc. will be more than happy to help assess your needs.

Other studies report that these numbers may be even higher but cannot be accurately recorded as a result of people being unable to come forward about their struggle. Druss BG, von Esenwein SA, Compton MT, Zhao L, Leslie DL. Budget impact and sustainability of medical care management for persons with serious mental illnesses. Collaborative care approaches for people with severe mental illness. The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010. Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys.

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In 2013, the World Health Assembly approved a “Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for “. The Plan is a commitment by all WHO’s Member States to take specific actions to improve mental health and to contribute to the attainment of a set of global targets. promotion of the rights, opportunities and care of individuals with mental disorders. An environment that respects and protects basic civil, political, socio-economic and cultural rights is fundamental to mental health.

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We can free each other by not being ashamed of mental health ourselves. Untreated mental health issues can lead to further falling apart. Taking care of our mental health aids in our resilience and recovery from anything that happens.